Mature wife Phillipa and school knicker spanking

A few years ago now I mentioned an affair I had back in the 1980s with Phillipa. She was attractive and very sexy, married, 16 years older than me, and up for a lot of sex, not surprisingly I was very happy to help out. Phillipa was the first woman I disciplined, had anal with, and shaved her pussy. Phillipa had some real experience of corporal punishment having attended a strict convent boarding school back in the later 1950s and early 60s, she shared her memories of these experiences which added some spice to our sex life. P's husband would be away for months on end, so as long as we timed things right there were never any incriminating stripes for him to spot.

As I pointed out in this post: in the early 80s it wasn't exactly easy to buy cp items there being no internet and what not, so we made a few trips to London to buy stuff, and we also improvised, I made a strap based on the one used at her school, and I cut down an old rattan drain rod to make a very effective cane (it still must be hidden in her house). Around 1983 I'd bought a couple of Janus and Roue magazines, and one of these had a short article on proper school regulation knickers, it recommended Montfort as being the real thing. At the time I was caning, slippering and strapping P in whatever knickers she had to hand, but clearly something more authentic was called for. There was a very old-fashioned outfitters in our town, and one January it had a sale. I was browsing through racks of men's wear when I spotted what appeared to be dark blue knickers in the women's section. I had a surreptitious look, and lo and behold found two pairs of Montfort thick navy blue regulation knickers. In those days I lacked the confidence to simply march to the till and say "I'll have these", so I went back to Philipa's house and asked her to. The following day she visited the shop grabbed a pair of the knickers and went to pay for them. The old dear on the till engaged her in conversation "Oh yes I remember these, so much better than modern knickers, they keep you nice and warm." Of course P couldn't say that her bottom would indeed be very warm in them.

So the next time Phillipa bent for the cane it was wearing a proper pair of regulation knickers (though they didn't stay on for long of course). Soon after I found a genuine wool gaberdine 1950s Marks and Spencers gymslip. And by this time we'd found some nice retro looking stockings. Phillipa's bottom received some serious discipline in this outfit, and the hotter her rounded globes became the wetter her pussy, so every session ended in her opening wide for my cock.

I found this image on XH a while ago, the facial likeness to Phillipa is amazing. This woman is younger than P and a little slimmer with bigger pussy lips, P had fuller breasts. The hair colour is identical, plus P even wore similar sunglasses.


เผยแพร่โดย dagworth
5 ปี ที่ผ่านมาแล้ว
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ถึง swimsuit-101 : I've got one blue swimsuit, not quite navy blue, I think it's from the 80s or early 90s, it's seen some spanking action. I've also got two old wool one-piece swimsuits possibly 60 years old or older, one's black and the other navy blue.
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Oh my goodness! How beautiful. Posing prior to a no nonsense spanking I imagine. Thank you for sharing 
ถึง swimsuit-101 : One of my best friends at school wore a short pleated skirt and green woolly tights, she drove me nuts!
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ถึง swimsuit-101 : Navy blue in my school, the local grammer school girls wore bottle green
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They were Navy Blue at our school with a double thickness back panel; in fact I wasn't aware of any other colours till later on when I went shopping for them
her pussy lips are amazing, love them
My best friend Keith had a younger sister, Janet who was probably 15, and very precocious. I lusted after her in the worst way possible and of course, she knew it. She took a lot of pleasure I suspect in rebuffing my attempts to chat her up, a dnd being a real prick teaser, she found myriad ways to ensure that when I dropped by to see Keith she would find some devious method to exhibit her knickers to my goggling eyes. Often regulation navy blue after school, but I really was sent into a very heightened state of blue balled desire when she sat on the living room carpet one Saturday with her legs raised and spread nonchalantly to show off her pink elastic leg knickers and tan rht stockinngs with ruffled green suspenders attached. She slyly smiled ss she drew her legs under her..i went home, locked myself in the loo and had a long, delicious wank, followed by a other about an hour later..oh God those knickers!
ถึง dagworth : Not in the girl's High School near my Grammar School. Valerie, one of my first girlfriends, used to travel with me for the first 10 miles on the train. She was my 1st 'fumble' and her knickers were blue! No tights or leggings, just pleated skirt(Dark blue) and knickers. Never actually felt them but she didn't mind me looking!
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ถึง jimwebley : Spillage oh yes, me and the boys in my form in a classroom on a warm summer's day 42 years ago. The girls meanwhile have their games lesson, and are walloping tennis balls about in tight blue gymknickers and white aertex shirts just outside our classroom. For many of them this will be their last month at school and it appears few had bothered to ask for a bigger pair of knickers, or a larger shirt. I remember one girl in particular, Fiona, having big tits, to this day her friends joke about them!
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ถึง brvhrt99 : Sadly 36 years ago now, happy memories though.
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ถึง jimwebley : In the north-west grammar schools = green blazers, skirts, knickers and the cane! Secondaries = grey blazers and skirts, with blue knickers and the slipper!
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Isn't that strange...I've always remembered it as the other way round. Maybe it was a regional thing. Of course, neither of them had white gussets, so any stains left could be easily seen. Pee or cunt cream...scratch and sniff!   Xxx.
ถึง jimwebley : In my eyes navy blue = secondary school, and bottle green = grammar. I had a friend who also wore thick green tights to school, I've fantasized about her and them ever since.
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What a story!
I always prefer the blue ones to the bottle green ones that were also prevalent at the same time. Of course, older ladies should always buy a pair several sizes too small. Their fat bottoms spread out under them and leave a tempting target for the cane.   Xxx.
ถึง dagworth : Time flys by when you’re having a spanking good time lol
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ถึง frank121248 : Thank you. Many years ago now, where did all that time go to?!
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Great story 