Ella Cucks Her Patient Ch. 01

I'm an average looking guy with an average build in my early twenties. I'm still a virgin due to a lack of confidence, very high standards, and the fact that I was raised with religious values; it's those values which I started highly doubting recently.

I was raised thinking that sex, or even a kiss, was something sacred and should only be done after marriage; that made me pass on getting laid, making out, or getting head in my teens. Also, I thought that a girl who was not a virgin before marriage was a whore and did not deserve my attention or affection... until I met Ella.

Ella was an absolute stunner. A tall, long haired brunette in her mid twenties with blue-green cat eyes, puffy lips, a soft angelic voice and a smile that will instantly melt you... and that's without even looking at her flawless body.

Long shaved legs, perfectly round ass, beautiful soft smooth pale skin and natural C cup sized breasts; her entire body was precisely proportioned to make any guy turn his head when she walked by. She was also a fashion and make-up expert so she knew how to dress and make herself even more attractive than she already was.


I got a job as a bartender and was her replacement. She was leaving that job as she had just graduated from college, getting her psychology degree and was going to open a Psychiatrist's office.

She showed me the ropes in her last few days and in that time, we got to know each other. She is fiercely intelligent and very perceptive; she's also older than I am so she could tell that I was into her though not in a lustful way, just an adoring way.

We exchanged numbers and met a week later. We talked for hours when we met... and then, before things moved any further, she told me she had a boyfriend and would like for us to remain only friends. She let me know that she could tell how much I liked her... she even threw a glance and a smile at my erection, which made me blush bright red.

She laughed a little then we started talking about relationships and I admitted that I was a virgin. Unexpectedly, she was very understanding and even told me she had lost her virginity to her current boyfriend. In the midst of these conversations, she offered me a free psychological evaluation and gave me tips on how to find a girl that would make me happy. I accepted her generous offer and we set an appointment for the following week.


I went to the appointment on time and it looked like the office was not finished; she was not officially open yet. Ella greeted me with a hug (her soft and sweet perfume made my knees almost buckle) and told me that the week after her office would be open for business and that I was her very first client.

The room was empty; it only had a comfortable arm chair and a small loveseat with a large handbag sitting on it. Ella looked even hotter than usual even though she was wearing a knee-length skirt and a simple, but tight fitting, white button-down shirt. I guess her natural beauty, confidence, intellect and positivity just made me head over heels for her.

Alas, I was woefully unprepared for this session. She started asking me personal questions and she knew I wouldn't lie or hide anything from her. Questions about my childhood, my future dreams, about how I really feel about her; that's where she started digging deep. Without much effort from her, I confessed my feeling of lust and constant thinking of her on a daily basis.

"It's extremely important that you answer my next question honestly for this to work," she said. "You're a young guy and a virgin... you need and crave sexual release... do you masturbate and if yes, how often?"

I froze; never did I think I would be where I was and be asked that type of question. I tried avoiding answering but my feelings for her got the better of me and I said, "Yes, I masturbate almost on a daily basis."

"Almost?" she jested.

"Well, okay, I jerk off a lot. Every day. And I watch a lot of porn," I admitted.

"What kind of porn do you watch?" she asked curiously.

"Mostly what's new from high production line studios, but it gets boring after a while... all the girls are the same and I know a lot of it is fake," I explained.

"Do you imagine me in some of the pornos you watch?" she asked seductively with a low voice.

I stood in silence and after almost a minute I muffled, "Yes, I do." To which she tilted her head to the side and smirked.

Meanwhile, all this talk made me rock hard which she noticed and led her to suggest something I didn't expect.

"I see you are very aroused... as a matter of fact, this is also turning me on," she stated. "I'm very curious how you are in the size department," she said, intrigued.

My face was red as a tomato and my dick hard as a diamond. She pursed her lips, painted with a bright red lipstick, and said, "Take it out."

I didn't know what to do and in panic I said, "Your boyfriend!"

She smiled. "This is therapy; we aren't doing anything and I'm not cheating on him."

I don't know what came over me but as I was staring into her breathtaking, Emerald-Ocean eyes my hands moved on their own and undid my pants. My six-inch penis sprung out like a bullet.

"Oh my, you ARE excited!" she pointed out. "Take all of your clothes off now. I have something for you. "She opened her handbag next to her while I was removing my clothes. By the time I was completely naked, with my rock hard cock, out in a room, with nobody but the woman of my dreams, she gave me a pair of handcuffs and told me to restrain my hands behind my back.

"Why?" I asked, confused by all of this.

"You need to trust me and let me take charge. Imagine this is a porno and I'm the director; what I say goes. Is that understood?" She gave the statement as a question.

"Understood!" In the heat of the moment I said and did everything she asked me to, cuffing my hands behind my back and sitting down across her on the arm chair.

She put the handcuff key around her neck. "Good. Now we can begin the REAL therapy. Wait here; I'll be back very soon."

She left the room and in less than a minute, the door opened again and she entered with a handsome man in his early thirties. "This is Nathan, my boyfriend," she said.

My heart sank; I couldn't believe the predicament I was in. I was sweating bullets and shaking like it was -50 degrees.

"Relax," Nathan said.

They both sat across from me on the couch less than three feet away and Ella started talking to me while I was naked, fully erect, and cuffed.

"Me and my boyfriend like to have threesomes from time to time; always with women," Ella stated. "We were thinking about trying it with a man but Nathan doesn't want another man penetrating me, so I had the idea and we talked about having another guy watch us and even be something like a sub or a pet that will do what we tell him to. When I met a virgin who was easy to manipulate like you, I pounced on the opportunity. Today, we will see what your boundaries are and how far we can push them. I assume you like this idea judging by how hard your dick is," Ella said with a devilish smile.

I stood there in my seat and forgot how to talk; the only thing I could do was breathe, like I was in a coma but awake at the same time.

Without wasting much time, Nathan started kissing Ella's neck and unbuttoning her shirt. Ella was simultaneously removing his clothes and looking at me while her man worked on her.

Nathan removed her skirt, shirt and bra revealing her black panties and perfect perky pink nipped breasts.

Nathan grabbed a breast in each hand, looking and smiling at me for a second; then he started sucking Ella's left nipple. Her head tilted back and she gave a moan of pleasure. Then Nathan pulled his head back, releasing her left nipple with a pop and gave her a deep kiss; the open-mouthed kiss ensured that I could see everything.

Then he broke away and leaned down to suck Ella's right nipple; after a few seconds, he gave her another kiss again. He repeated this technique a few times until both of them were wearing only their underwear.

"Are you ready, baby?" Ella asked Nathan.

"I am but he's not," said Nathan, pointing at me.

"He will learn," Ella cooed.

Both of them stood up and stepped, hand-in-hand, in front of me, standing very close and facing me.

"You seem to like this so far," Ella said, looking at my stiff cock.

I was silent, completely focused on her smoking hot body being played with right in front of me. At the same time, I noticed the big bulge sticking out of Nathan's boxers. Ella was rubbing his massive package through his underwear as she turned to me. "Pay close attention; I don't want you to miss a second."

She slowly pulled down his boxers and revealed the biggest cock I have seen in my life. A solid 8.5 inches and THICK with fat, low hanging balls that were completely hairless and smooth. I was in awe as Ella pulled Nathan's dick close to my face while I sat in the armchair, erect and cuffed.

The room was silent. Ella was giving Nathan's huge cock slow, long strokes less than an inch away from my face. This went on for about two minutes. Then Ella broke the silence and started talking.

"This is how the majority of the session is going to proceed. You will watch and experience an up-close and personal point of view of Nathan playing with my body, kissing me passionately and fucking my tight pussy with his big dick right in front of your face. In between positions, I will stroke his cock like this and speak to you. I want you to respond to me by talking into Nathan's dick head as a microphone. Any objections?" Ella asked with her angelic voice.

"I'm fine with it," said Nathan. "Also, I will play with our new toy but I'm not gonna overdo it; I don't want to break him on our first try." Both of them laughed and embraced each other in a passionate kiss, towering over me in each others arms naked.

"We just met and I have my cock dangling in front of your face," Nathan said to me. "Look at your dick and then look back up at mine and tell me what differences you see."

I broke the stare from Nathan's beast sized cock and looked down at my average dick. I looked back up at his cock which was so close to my face I could smell it and was about to say something but Ella cut me off, reminding me, "Don't forget to talk into the microphone!" All the while, maintaining the slow long strokes on her boyfriend's meaty cock.

I opened my mouth and half-heartedly spoke into his dick like a microphone just like Ella told me to. "Your cock is larger than mine... and your balls are huge compared to mine."

"That's because I haven't ejaculated in three days. I promised Ella I would come here with a full sack to give you a good show," Nathan said to me.

Ella was trying hard to hold back her laughter while still stroking her man's giant cock right across from my face. Then, she pressed her soft, natural breasts up against Nathan and leaned in for a French kiss, knowing full well I would be watching the kiss from under her boyfriend's cock.

Ella took her black panties off, hung them on my erect dick and said, "Hold on to them for now. We will use them again shortly." As she said that, she let go of Nathan's cock and went to get something from her handbag.

Nathan did not step back, though; he maintained his erection less than an inch away from my face, looking down on me with an expression of dominance.

Ella quickly rejoined the scene with a bottle of lube and started lubricating her boyfriend's massive cock in long, slow strokes. After drenching his tool with lube, she lifted his dick up exposing his smooth, large balls. "I want you to smell his nuts," Ella told me directly.

"That's so hot, babe!" said Nathan.

Being completely overtaken by this alpha couple, I leaned forward and took a whiff of Nathan's swollen balls.

"Good, now tell me how it smells," teased Ella, lowering his dick again.

"I don't know," I said. "I have never done this before." I made sure to talk into his cock head again.

"I'll tell you what that smell is," said Ella, while putting her other hand on his balls and slowly caressing them. "That's the odor of an Alpha male ready to fuck me in front of you.

"Baby, let's show this virgin loser how we make love every day while he was beating his small prick to porn," Said Ella.

Nathan took a step back and went behind Ella, picking her up by the legs and spreading them, exposing her magnificent vagina to me. It was shaved and pink, with a swollen clit and already dripping wet. It appears the lube was not necessary, but I realized most of this was unnecessary; this entire show was about making a statement to me and showing me why I am not good enough to be with a goddess like Ella.

Nathan stepped forward, making sure his cock was again less than an inch away from my face, this time poised to enter Ella's wet tight pussy right above my nose. Ella grabbed his cock, positioning it at the entrance of her pussy and slowly sliding his cock head inside her. When that happened my entire body strained; my dick was hard enough to cut diamonds and my hands were trying to break out of the cuffs, but to no avail.

Nathan continued to go deeper into the woman I crave in front of my face. With every inch, Ella's breathing intensified and her moans of pleasure became louder.

I was speechless, watching these perfect human sex specimens getting it on in my face.

It didn't take long for Ella to have her first orgasm. In the peak of her arousal she moaned, "This is the closest you will get to my pussy, you fucking pathetic virgin pervert jerk off."

Her harsh words and the hot scene in front of me almost made me go over the edge; if only I could touch my cock, I would have cum in less than five seconds.

As I looked back up, I could see Nathan's big dick had spread Ella's wet pussy wide open and with each slow and deep stroke, made her natural tits bounce together with my handcuff key hanging between her perky, snow white tits.

Eventually, Nathan lowered Ella from his cock and stepped back. Ella took half a step to the side so Nathan could step forward again to position his tool in my face.

Ella reached down and grabbed her black panties off my hard dick. "Oh wow, look at those veins. I bet you would do anything to jerk off that small cock right now," pointed out Ella.

That cold sentence coming from that warm voice made my body shiver.

Ella wrapped her panties around her palm and started stroking her boyfriends thick cock, covered in a mixture of her pussy juice, lube, and pre-cum. She never once broke her slow, steady rhythm of cock control in front of my face.

While still stroking, Ella said softly to me, "Tell Nathan that he has a much bigger cock than you."

Without hesitation, I did. "Nathan, you have a bigger cock than me," I said, speaking into his dickrophone.

"Wrong!" hissed Ella. "Say that he has a MUCH bigger cock than you."

"You have a much bigger cock than me, Nathan," I said.

"Now, say 'your meat is way thicker than mine,'" commanded Ella.

"Your meat is way thicker than mine." I spoke it into his dick hole.

"Thanks for stating the obvious," said Nathan. "Now watch this."

He pulled Ella towards him and gave her a deep open mouth kiss with their tongues visibly playing with each other. I had no choice but to watch from under his massive cock, dangling in front of me.

After the kiss, Ella put her index finger under my chin and pointed my view to her face as she was speaking to me. "Are you jealous?" she asked.

"Yes, very much," I eagerly responded.

"Are you jealous of my boyfriend's fat cock and balls? Or that I am getting pounded with this massive meat every day by my lover?" followed up Ella.

"BOTH!" I boldly stated.

"Would you like to taste my pussy? I think I was too hard on you a second ago about you being a pathetic loser virgin jerk-off. I will give you a taste as an apology, but only if you beg for it." Ella sensually looked into my eyes with her piercing gaze.

"PLEASE ,PLEASE, I WOULD DO ANYTHING!" I begged. "I just want a taste of you, goddess, please!"

"Very well," said Ella. "Open wide," she ordered.

As I did that, she let go of Nathan's cock and put her black panties, which were soaked with her pussy and Nathan's man juice, into my mouth.

"Say thank you!" demanded Ella.

"Thank you," I muffled into Nathan's dick with my mouth full of panty.

"My pussy needs a small break from Nathan's thick cock. I don't want to get too tired, too fast; these orgasms I get from this huge dick are exhausting," she said.

"I have an idea," proposed Nathan. "Let's make out and you can keep stroking my cock until you are ready again. That way, we can keep my penis hard, let you rest and keep the show going for our new friend here."

"Fantastic idea!" responded Ella. "So, how about it? Would you like us to make out in front of you while I slowly stroke this behemoth of a cock right in front of your face?"

"Yes," I responded, my mouth still full.

That question did not need answering because Nathan was already fondling Ella's sensitive breasts and kissing her passionately while getting his rock hard cock slowly stroked less than an inch away from my face by the most gorgeous woman I have ever met.

Occasionally, Ella would break the kiss and glance at me to make sure I was watching everything.

I was starting to get light headed from all of this sexual ecstasy. Watching a giant cock being stroked right above my face. Being verbally teased and abused. Watching Ella getting fucked and stretched by the biggest cock I have ever seen. And all this while being restrained, my cock harder than it has ever been and having the taste of Ella's sweet pussy in my mouth combined with Nathan's strong scent.

I felt like I was on another world for a moment while this all unfolded.

With my voice being muffled but still able to speak, I leaned forward while Ella was still stroking her man's very impressive cock right in front of my face, leaning on him and giving him a deep kiss with their lips smacking.

"Thank you," I said. "Thank you Ella, thank you Nathan, for letting me watch this. This is so hot."

For the first time, Ella stopped stroking and both of them looked down on me with smiles from ear to ear on their faces.

"Let me take charge for a little bit," said Nathan. "Submissive slave training is a two person job."

"You are so right, baby," purred Ella.

"Why don't you sit on the arm of the chair and play with yourself while I talk with our new toy?" suggested Nathan.

Ella looked very excited about the idea and positioned herself on the left arm of the chair, putting one leg above my shoulder so her pussy was spread and she started rubbing her beautiful clit.

"Lean back in the chair," Nathan ordered me.

After I did as I was told, Nathan said, "Open your mouth." As I did that, he pulled out Ella's panties from my mouth and wrapped them around his palm. He put his foot on the right arm of the chair, leaning forward and making sure his man meat was yet again towering over me. He wrapped his girlfriend's panties around his shaft and began stroking his fat shaved cock.

I turned to my left to watch Ella staring lustfully at her boyfriend; she enjoyed watching him mentally dominate me with his horse sized cock and while she played with her shaved, wet pink pussy.

Nathan used his free hand to grab a handful of my hair and yanked my head so that it was positioned my view directly at his cock.

"For now, you will only look and speak at me!" Nathan said to me, as if I belonged to him.

With a small smile and arrogant tone, he continued. "Describe my cock and balls to me."

While he stroked his huge, erect shaft in front of my face, I spoke up to his dick and said, "It's not just the length that is amazing but the girth and thickness of your cock that makes it stand out like an art piece for sex. The size of your huge balls make your horse cock look very proportionate for such a monstrous size. Also, the smooth shave and complete hairlessness make it look like a sex toy made out of flesh."

"Well put," stated Nathan with satisfaction, while maintaining the slow strokes on his shaft point blank across my face.

"I'm actually the one that shaves Nathan's cock and balls," Ella chimed in. "I love to suck his manhood every morning when he wakes up and I just can't live without playing with, and deeply sucking on, his balls. That's why I maintain my man's dick hairless and clean."

I wanted to turn to my left and cast my gaze at Ella playing with her pussy while she watched her lover sissifying me with his glorious long thick hard cock but Nathan held my head in place, preventing me from focusing on anything except his erect dick precisely positioned extremely close to my face.

"That's right." Nathan took lead of the conversation again. "Ella is an amazing cock sucker and has amazing testicle control skills. My favorite thing every morning is when she stares into my eyes, strokes my cock and sucks one of my testicles deeply, pulling it back a whole inch and then letting it go with a pop, swiftly switching to the other nut and repeating this until I grab her, spin her around, press her against the wall and fuck her vagina until she cums like a volcano on my dick. We decided not to show you her oral expertise on the first time since we assumed it would be too much for you to handle. A virgin like you can only imagine what it's like having your cock and balls played with and sucked by such a lovely, sexy chick like mine."

Nathan started picking up the pace of his strokes and Ella instantly said, "Babe, remember what we talked about; don't try to make yourself cum. I want you to stay hard as long as possible!"

Nathan slowly went back to light strokes and said to me, "I want you to remember this cock well. If you ever get with a girl in your life I will gladly fuck her right in front of you."

"I don't think I will ever be able to forget this," I said, which made Nathan and Ella chuckle.

From my left side, Ella's breathing and moaning started to pick up as she was nearing climax again.

"This is so hot! I'm gonna cum from watching you get owned by my amazing boyfriend and his huge cock!" she cried out. "OH MY GOD! I'M CUMMING! OH YES! The size difference of your dicks is so immense; I know you are the only one for me, Nathan."

Ella climaxed and stood up, leaning on her boyfriend. She tenderly kissed him while Nathan let go of my hair. With my head free to move, I looked at the left arm of the chair where Ella had just masturbated and saw a few drops of her pussy juice left over from her hot cunt. I immediately leaned over to lick and slurp every single drop; the taste was absolutely incredible.

When Ella and Nathan saw that, they both burst out laughing.

"How does my pussy taste?" Ella asked me while holding Nathan's dick in front of my mouth, reminding me to speak into his cock microphone.

"It's the sweetest, most mouth watering taste I have ever experienced," I boldly stated. "I would do anything to have a chance at licking your sweet, tasty pussy."

"If you keep behaving and your obedience continues, I just might let you," Ella said to me softly with a smile.

My eyes shined bright with hope and my heart was full of joy for a moment.

"You still have a lot to prove until I let you anywhere near my Girlfriend," stated Nathan. "And you're talking too much. Open your mouth. I wiped my dick clean, now I need a place to put these panties."

Nathan fed me Ella's panties which made Ella's nipples harden. With a smile, she said, "Now, Nathan will show you how a big dick stud uses his cock size to maximize my pleasure."

Ella stood in front of me with her back turned and had Nathan pick her up so that her gorgeous ass was at my eyesight level. Once again, Nathan stepped forward bringing the action to me within a millimeter's distance.

"I will give you a lesson in pussy pounding, although this is an advanced technique that only guys with big, thick cocks like me can do. I doubt your small pecker can spread a pussy like mine can," Nathan said like a college professor giving a lecture.

Nathan lowered Ella's hot, wet pussy onto his massive dick right above my face and slowly filled her up until her base and his balls connected.

"This is called a deep fucking," continued Nathan. As he lifted Ella up, his dick head was about to fall out of her vagina so he lowered her back down on his meat rod.

Every time he inserted the entirety of his fat cock inside Ella, she let out a grunt of complete bliss.

"Oh baby, thank you for doing this with me," said Ella while Nathan was impaling her. "Thank you for waiting three days to have full balls for me. Your cock feels so good. I love how you stretch my pussy out. I love how deep your dick head hits my deepest spot and the way you dominated this sissy was so hot. I love you so much Nathan!!"

When Ella said that, even though I knew it, those words were like a thousand knives in my heart. It was also the first time I felt pain in my penis from an extreme erection. I had the feeling my dick and balls were going to explode.

Nathan picked up the pace and moved his hips rapidly, completely plowing Ella's wet pussy in front of my face with his full balls swinging back and forth, almost touching my nose.

Ella's screams of pleasure were deafening. "OH YES! FUCK ME HARDER! FUCK ME WITH THAT THICK, HARD COCK, BABY!"

This was the hottest thing by far. I absolutely adore Ella's ass and having to watch it bounce on a dick far bigger and thicker than mine was intoxicating.

Nathan didn't stop. He kept going and going as small splashes of their juices dripped on my face every time his balls smacked her ass cheeks.

"I'm gonna cum soon!" said Nathan, which made Ella climb down from his cock, turn to me and ask,

"Do you want to cum?"

"YES! Please, I would do anything! I'm so close!" I pleaded.

Ella with a huge smile on her face got two nitril gloves from her handbag, put them on, and started stroking Nathans blistering horse sized cock.

"I'm so close...look at what I've been saving up for three days," said Nathan on the verge of cumming. "OH YES, HERE IT COMES!"

Nathan's cock shot huge, thick globs of white semen while Ella was gathering as much as she could in both her palms, and there was more than enough.

"Stand up!" she told me.

As I did that, she looked me in the eyes and said, "As promised you get to cum." She started stroking my aching cock with Nathan's hot, sticky semen as lube.

I didn't have time to react; the only thing I could say was, "That's disgusting, Ella! Please, no, don't".

But it was too late. My dick was so hard and eager to cum, I instantly came and shot my entire pent up load on the floor after only a few strokes.

"Wow, that's also a lot of cum. You must be drained, judging by how far your balls went up your scrotum," jested Ella while throwing away the gloves.

Nathan sat back on the couch with his dick slowly deflating but even flaccid his still looked larger than mine was erect.

"Now that all of us climaxed, let's share our thoughts and feelings on todays experience," said Ella. "Nathan, you go first."

"Well, it was definitely hot but next time I would like more freedom for pounding you in more positions. Also, getting to fuck your mouth like I always do," said Nathan. "I feel like our new toy has a lot of potential; he still needs more training and I will slowly teach him to worship my cock," he added.

Ella went second with sharing.

"Nathan did a fantastic job. I keep thinking of his thick cock in your face and making you into his sissy. The most arousing part for me was when you thanked us for cuckolding you and obeying my order of speaking into his dick like a microphone. I knew that I made the right choice for our new cuck."

Before I could say anything, Ella cut me off by saying, "Now, I know that it's kind of difficult right now for you to express yourself in the best way since you just experienced something as sensual as this for the first time. So, I will ask you what I think were the most notable highlights of this session and you can try to answer me as fully as possible... before that, though, let's remove those from your mouth so you can speak."

Ella pulled her black panties from my mouth and put them on my flaccid dick which was completely covered in Nathan's cum; even my balls were drenched from his massive load.

"First of all," Ella began her questioning of me. "How did you feel when I took my boyfriend's horse sized cock out in front of your face and kept it there while slowly stroking it?"

"It felt degrading and arousing at the same time," I answered. "I inspected every part of his dick and balls due to their hairless smoothness. Nathan has a fantastic cock."

Ella smiled and asked her next question.

"How did you feel when facing the fact that Nathan's cock and balls are in another league when it comes to size compared to you?"

"I felt defeated before I even started to resist. I knew there was no way to compete with his manhood," I responded. "His cock is so much bigger, longer, thicker and meatier than mine."

"Yes, it is," Ella agreed.

"How hurt were you by me calling you a pathetic worthless virgin loser?"

"It was the most pain I experienced in my life; your words and actions mean everything to me, Ella!" I poured my heart out to her with her naked boyfriend sitting beside her.

"How did you feel when Nathan grabbed your hair and forced you to watch him stroke his fat cock an inch from your face?"

"I felt helpless and realized I had no other choice to do exactly as i was told." I said.

"Did you feel like a sissy dominated by an alpha stud with a beautiful cock?" Ella followed up.

"Yes." I mumbled.

"Last question." Stated Ella. "How does it feel having ejaculated with another mans cum as lube and then having to this moment your cock and balls drenched in the same semen?"

"I felt and still feel horrible," I pleaded. "The only silver lining that kept me going through this humiliation is knowing that my torment and domination turn you on so much. I'm so happy you had an orgasm watching your boyfriend jerk his large cock in front of my face."

"Okay, i think it's fair to say that this was a successful session," said Ella.

She reached into her handbag and gave me and Nathan paper towels to wipe our dicks. Then she uncuffed me, taking her handcuffs back but keeping the key around her neck as new jewelry.

We all got dressed and I waited to give Ella her panties back to which she smiled, gave me a kiss on the cheek and said lovingly, "It's a souvenir. Keep it so you have something to think about until we contact you again. We have a lot more in store for you in the future."

With that, we said our goodbyes for now, but I knew this was just the beginning of this new relationship...
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good story great experience
Just what every sissy dreams of….giggle…well i know I do!!
can't wait for more thanks Toni makes me want to go get a femboi fuck toy for my girlfriend and I 
Fucking hot, looking to read more.